1. Complete the attached Number Porting Letter. Click here to download Number Porting Letter. Please note that the letter mentions Twilio. Twilio is the service we use on the backend so please don't change that. Some points to consider:
a. The letter asks for the Organization's Name. That is the name you used when you set up your account with CallRail. If you set up the account in a personal name, just delete the Organization Name. Click here to see a sample Number Porting Letter filled out
2. Complete the attached Number Porting File. Click here to download the Number Porting File. This information will help us set up your call forwarding before the numbers are ported over to REsimpli so there is no downtime and your calls are forwarded correctly. Some points to consider:
a. Phone numbers in column A "Numbers to Transfer" will match the phone numbers in the Number Porting Letter you are requesting to be transferred over to REsimpli to make sure that each of your numbers is set up
3. Send an email to support@REsimpli.com with the following:
a. Completed Number Porting Letter
b. Completed Number Porting File
c. The most recent invoice from your current phone number provider (CallRail, GrassHopper, etc.)
d. Obtain the PIN information for each of the numbers to be ported over. Without the PIN information, the porting request will not be processed timely and accordingly.
4. Sit back and we will keep you updated on the progress