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Numbers are not being checked for "Spam"
Numbers are not being checked for "Spam"
Ehsan Rishat avatar
Written by Ehsan Rishat
Updated over a week ago

Numbers are not being checked for "Spam."


Numbers can take up to a week from the time they are purchased to go into REsimpli spam check rotation.

To check your numbers if they are checked for ‘Spam,’ follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to your ‘Profile’ and click ‘Manage Numbers’. A new window will open.

2. Check the ‘Spam Check’ column.

If the numbers are marked ‘N/A’ for spam checks for over a week, please email us at, and we’ll find out what the problem might be.

  • Once your number has been submitted for spam check, you will start seeing either good; if the number is good, the carriers show it as clear.

  • You can see if a number, two or three, is displayed when you hover over it; it indicates the carrier has flagged it as spam.

  • You don't have to get rid of the number. REsimpli remediates the numbers every week, and at any given time, about 80 to 85% of REsimpli numbers are clear, meaning they don't pop up as spam on the caller ID when you are calling a lead.

  • If the numbers are still marked ‘N/A’ for spam checks for over a week, please email us at, and we’ll submit another ticket with the REsimpli provider to see if they can remove the spam flag.

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