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Where to find all phone numbers?
Where to find all phone numbers?

Where to find all phone numbers?

Ehsan Rishat avatar
Written by Ehsan Rishat
Updated over a week ago

FAQ: Where to find all phone numbers??


Find all your phone numbers on the ‘Manage Numbers’ page. Follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to your profile, and click ‘Manage Numbers’. A new window will open.

2. Click the following tabs to view their phone numbers:

  • ‘For Leads’ tab - you’ll see all the numbers you used to communicate with leads.

  • ‘For Buyers’ tab - this is where the phone number you used to communicate with ‘buyers’ is.

  • ‘REsimpli Dialer’ tab - the number used for list stacking dialer

  • ‘For Vendor’ tab - The vendor tab is where the number you used to communicate with vendors is saved.

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