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How to remove a user?
How to remove a user?

How to remove a user?

Ehsan Rishat avatar
Written by Ehsan Rishat
Updated over a week ago

FAQ: How to remove a user?


To remove a user from your REsimpli account, follow these guidelines:

For team users with one assigned role:

  1. Navigate to your profile in the top-right corner and select 'Manage Users.' The 'Users' window will open.

2. Click the user name you want to delete.

3. Click ‘Delete’ on the top right corner. A notice will pop up.

Important Notice: You cannot undo this action. You must be 100% sure to take this action.

4. Confirm the deletion by clicking ‘Update Assignment’.

For team users with multiple roles

When removing a user with multiple roles, a message will appear once the 'Delete' button is clicked. See the sample image.

The purpose of this error is to make sure that the roles, the leads, and the tasks that are assigned to the users are correctly being reassigned.

  1. When you are in the list of users, click the ‘Pencil’ icon in the ‘Action’ column. The edit window will open.

2. Click the ‘Role Assignment’ tab.

3. Click ‘Remove User Access’.The list of ‘Roles’ assigned to that team member will appear.

4. Uncheck the role you want to remove the user from. The system will pull out all the campaigns related to the position.

5. Select the re-assignment method. In the selected market, you have two options:

  • ‘Do not reassign the leads or tasks to anyone’ - select this option if you remove the assigned user and do not assign the tasks to anyone.

  • ‘Reassign the leads and tasks to another team member’ - select this option if you want the leads (or market) to be assigned to another team member.

5. Hit ‘Update Assignment’.

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